So, as the title to this blog might have implied, we are getting an RV. Oh yes people. An RV. now that you have that little morsel of information I'm sure your imaginations could run wild for HOURS thinking about Van, and his RV. Now we have yet to see this thing in person. Some aunt of Van's that lives in Chicago is selling it and she's driving it down once we get the money together for it's purchase. Now at first I must admit, I was flat-out against getting the 1980-something car/home combo. Van's mom had pictures that were convincing enough to show that it is indeed a nicely taken care of and not a decrepit-looking vehicle. But still, an RV is not something I pictured Van and I purchasing in the near future. A boat, yes. We talk constantly of how much fun a boat would be and how much we want one. We just don't have the time to care for one right now. I've known people with boats and they seem to need a lot of maintenance and basically boat ownership is a hobby in and of itself. And an expensive one at that. Van and I just don't have the time.
But somehow, we think we have the time for an RV. And I BET they are a total pain in the ass to take care of. But if you know Van, you know there's is a Clark Griswald (sp?) in him that makes him want to lead his family on fun-filled outings. We went to the science center this Sunday. Van's idea. Not mine, not the child's. Now we all had fun but it's Van who wants everyone to get up in the morning and starts asking me repeatedly "sooo, what are we doing today, what do you want to do today, where can we go?"
So despite being admantly against a purchase of this sort I must admit I am kind of secretly looking forward to having one and although Van has said he will sell it, "it's simply an 'investment'", he and I both know this is his way of purchasing it with my blessing because we "are only buying it to sell it". Then if we both hate it we can act like we were never planning on keeping it in the first place. I have already been cleaning and re-decorating it in my head. My nesting is way out of hand so maybe we could just keep it for me to "play" with until my nesting phase is gone and then sell it. God knows the dogs would appreciate less bathing and grooming.
Now for your viewing enjoyment and entertainment (though at my expense as it may be) I plan on posting pictures immediately upon the arrival of the R-Van. I think it looks something like this picture. But I'm not completely sure.
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